


Compilation by Walter - PE1ABR

Company Logo
(homepage link)
Company Name
(additional link)
Products and (some) direct Links

The design engineers of ferrite
( Mr. J. Snoek )

formerly Philips,
now part of Yageo
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI Suppression Cores

Handbook / Catalog 2005 -- PDF file is 6.5 MB   Ferroxcube

Selection Guide 2003   -- PDF file is about 4MB   Ferroxcube


amidon-ACE amidon-AIC
Amidon Inc. Sel. page 1

Product Selection AAI

Product Selection ACE

Product Selection AIC
Ferrite Cores and Beads, Balun cores, Coil forms, Iron Powder Inductor Material

LINK to: Ferrite Toroidal Cores info page (AAI)

LINK to: Iron Powder Toroidal Cores for RF Applications (ACE)

LINK to: Iron Powder Toroidal Cores for Power and Line Filter Applications (ACE)
Fair-rite Fair-Rite

(Product Selection Page)

In cooperation with Amidon
Ferrite Cores and Beads, Balun cores, Coil forms, Iron Powder Inductor Material

14th catalog in PDF is about 6.5 MB    Fair-rite
15th catalog in PDF is about 8.7 MB    Fair-rite

LINK to: Use of ferrites in broadband transformers
LINK to: How to choose ferrites for EMI suppression

FerriShield FerriShield

In cooperation with Amidon
EMI Suppression Cores

LINK to: Universal Snap-on cable clamps
mag Magnetics Ferrites, Powder Cores, Strip Wound Cores, Metals

FC601 catalog in ZIP file, is about 6.2 MB    magnetics
An uncut version of the 2006 design manual in zipped PDF - 3.6 MBytes    magnetics
A cut version of the 2006 design manual in zipped PDF - 2.7 MBytes    magnetics

LINK to Toroid info page
LINK to Ferrite info page


Ferrite Toroids, Balun Cores, EMI suppression cores, Transformer Cores, multi-hole ferrite plates for connectors

Catalog version 10 in PDF, is about 2.4 MB   steward
Catalog version 11 in PDF, is about 3.6 MB   steward

LINK to Product Brochures page

epcos EPCOS

formerly Siemens
Ferrite information

LINK to ferrite info Page
metglas Honeywell MetGlas

Inductive Components for Energy (switch power) and power corrector applications
The toroids are NOT suitable for RF!!

LINK to a list with PDF's
vogt VOGT Electronic

Services EMC
Inductive Components

TDK TDK Corporation of America

Electronic and optical components

Ferrite Cores info page

The first producers of ferrite
TDK Components Japan

Electronic components and materials
Ferrite info page

TDK - The Children's Ferrite (!!) and Science Museum
TDK TDK Nine Big Co
TDK Taiwan
Electronic and optical components

Catalog info page
Ferrite Cores info page
TSC - Ferrite International TSC Ferrite International

Ferrite Cores
Also for:
Pyroferric International, Inc. Powder iron cores
LINK to ferrite info Page

formerly Thomson
No Ferrite cores, Bobbins, Hardware anymore????
No longer manufactured - All discontinued

PDF catalog (can still be found) is 1 MB    AVX

LINK to EMI filter products Page

ferronics Ferronics Inc.

Ferronics Inc. is a U.S. based manufacturer of ferrite components

LINK to Toroid Notes Page
LINK to Product Catalog Page with PDF links
iskra ISKRA FERITI, d. o. o.

ISKRA FERITI - Ljubljana - Slovenija

Soft and hard ferrite, Power materials
LINK to Ferrite Info Page
magnetec Magnetec GmbH

Products for power control electronics

New soft magnetic materials

High Quality Ferrites from Saint-Peterburg - Russia

LINK to Soft Ferrite Cores
LINK to Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn Ferrites Properties
Ferrite Domen Co

High Quality Ferrites from Saint-Peterburg - Russia

LINK to Products Page
LINK to Soft Ferrites and Magnets
Acme ACME Magnetics USA, Inc.

ACME Magnetics Taiwan
High quality Soft Ferrites produced in the Asia region
Manganese-Zinc and Nickel-Zinc Soft Ferrite Cores

LINK to Interference Suppression Page in Taiwan
ACME Malaysia

ACME Ferrite Products Sdn. Bhd.
Production facility of mainly high quality Nickel Zinc soft ferrites in Malaysia

LINK to first Toroids Page
Ceramic Magnetics, Inc.

Ceramic Magnetics offers a wide variety of Manganese Zinc(MnZn) and Nickel Zinc (NiZn) ferrites

LINK to Materials Page
MMG MMG Canada

Krystinel / Neosid
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI Suppression Cores

LINK to Ferrite & Iron Powder Products
magdev MMG MagDev

Molybdenum permalloy powder cores (MPP cores) = Low AL value and High flux powder cores. Also info available about standard Manganese and Nickel Zinc ferrites.
Look for direct PDF info above at the MMG Canada link to Ferrite & Iron Powder Products

LINK to MMG MagDev Ferrite Cores Brochure part 1 (3.7Mb pdf)
LINK to MMG MagDev Ferrite Cores Brochure part 2 (6Mb pdf)

LINK to MMG-MagDev UK ferrite info on tech page
LINK to MMG-India for toroid information
TT-NEO Neosid Canada

redirect to MMG Canada
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI Suppression Cores

LINK to Ferrite & Iron Powder Products

LINK to PDF Equivalent list on ElnaMagnetics site, MMG compared to Arnold and Magnetics MPP Powder Products
neo Neosid

Neosid Pemetzrieder GmbH & Co. KG
Ferrite Cores, Bobbins, Hardware, EMI Suppression Cores

Catalog is 24 MBytes   neosid

LINK to manual Pages Part_1
LINK to Toroid part

MARTU HARTU Götz-Udo Hartmann GmbH & Co. KG Hartu SARL
specialised in custom and standard inductors (product brand: HARTU)
Micrometals Micrometals Powdered Iron Cores

Download 200C Series PDF Document (5.4 MB)   micrometal

Hitachi Hitachi Metals America Ferrite cores

LINK to ferrite info Page
Hitachi Hitachi Metals Japan

Ferrite cores

LINK to EMC soft ferrite info Page
LINK to soft ferrite materials info Page
nmg National Magnetics Group

Manufacturers of technical ceramics (magnetic and advanced materials) and powdered iron cores

LINK to soft ferrite (MnZn and NiZn) info Page
marketa MARKETA
Hong Kong
Ferrite cores

LINK to Ferrite Info Page
Neomax NEOMAX Co.

Earlier name: Sumitomo Special Metals Co. Mainly ferrite magnets and ceramics.
Permanent magnet operations merged with Hitachi Metals to form NEOMAX CO.


Isu Ceramics has been developing various types of Materials and Soft Ferrite core products

LINK to Products info Page
LINK to Toroid ferrite info Page
sde Shinn Der Electronic Co

Main products include NiZn & MnZn Material Ferrite Core for SMD Powerinductor and all kinds of coils & transformers

LINK to MnZn material info Page
LINK to NiZn material info Page
LINK to Toroid cores info Page
xxx SAMWHA Ferrite Page

org. from Korea
Main products: components for the electronic industry, among them Ferrite Cores
LINK to some Product Catalogs
xxx TOMITA Electric Co

Main products Ferrite Cores, coils and transformers

LINK to ferrite core info Page
NiCera NiCera

Nippon Ceramic
Ferrite Cores and Bobbins

LINK to ferrite info Page
magnetron Magneton
St.-Petersburg, Russia
Microwave ferrite materials is our core product
Soft magnetic materials
Radio Components
Ferritex FerriTex
St.-Petersburg, Russia
Microwave ferrite materials is our core product
Magneton St.-Petersburg, Russia produces our ferrites
FerroShield FerroShield EMI/EMC Components Supplier
harper Harper Typical ferrite manufacturing
kaschke Kaschke KG Soft magnetic ferrites and inductive components,
carbonyl iron parts

Ferrite materials info page
FDK FDK Corporation All sorts of Electronic Components
a.o. Ferrite Components

MAJR Products Corporation
EMI/RFI Shielding Products

LINK to MAJR ferrite PDF infosheet

formerly TOKIN
Advanced passive components

Catalog is 1.7 MB  Tokin

LINK to ferrite info

usei U.S. Electronics
Soft ferrite cores for electronic ballast and power supply markets
COSMO Ferrites Ltd. is manufacturing the ferrite cores
cosmo COSMO
COSMO Ferrites Limited - India
Soft ferrite cores for electronic ballast and power supply markets
LINK to Material Characteristics Curves
arnold Group Arnold Group Arnold makes mostly HARD Magnetics.
But also Metal-powder Soft Magnetics
LINK to Soft Magnetics Applications Guide
magtech Magtech Magnetic Products Corp
Magtech Magnetic Products Corp is a leading manufacturer of Permanent Magnets and Ferrite Cores in Taiwan
kg Kitagawa Industries
Main products: EMI shielding, grounding (shielding against EMI emission) and EMI filtering
chia-pi Chia Pi Electrical Co Main products: soft Mn-Zn ferrite core and other electronic components made of magnetic materials

magnet Magnet Industry Ltd
(split) Flat cable ferrites -- MnZn and powder iron toroids

LINK to Mn-Zn material ferrite cores
huigao Tianjin Huigao Magnetics Company Ltd
Marque Magnetics Ltd. of New Zealand invested in Tianjin Huigao, forming a joint venture with Tianjin Company.

LINK to Huigao ferrite cores material info.
marque Marque Magnetics Ltd
New Zealand
Marque Magnetics Ltd. of New Zealand invested in Tianjin Huigao, forming a joint venture with Tianjin Company.

LINK to Marque Magnetics = Huigao ferrite cores material info.
TAK TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd., Taiwan, R.O.C.
Cores manufacturer, has put special effort in the research and development of SMD cores with high AL value.

LINK to Toroid page.
himag HIMAG Magnetic Corporation
CSC Group -- HIMAG Magnetic Corporation, Taiwan
Iron Oxide powder and Ferrite cores.

LINK to T-Cores page.
csc Chang Sung Company
Soft magnetic powder cores.
The soft magnetic materials available from CSC include the molybdenum permalloy powder cores (MPP cores), High flux powder cores and Sendust powder cores.

LINK on Infantron Singapore site.
tdg TDG Holding CO.
develops and manufactures MnZn and NiZn based soft ferrite cores.

LINK to MnZn Information.
LINK to NiZn Information.

Main products: magnetic materials, but also soft ferrites and iron poweder toroids
LINK to MnZn Soft Ferrite Core
LINK to NiZn Soft Ferrite Core
LINK to Iron Powder Core
LINK to Bobbin

Ferrite page
Main products: Bridge rectifiers, but also ferrite cores

LINK to: Toroid Type Core information page
magway Shanghai WorldBest Magway

Ferrite products page
Shanghai Worldbest Magway Magnetic Components Co., Ltd
Magnetic products which are focused on the power supplies, telecommunications, computer and consumer electronics products industries.

LINK to: Toroid Type Core information page


Geen pepermunt
King Core Electronics Co

Main products: soft Mn-Zn ferrite core and other electronic components made of magnetic materials

LINK to SMT ferrite chip beads/inductors
LINK to EMI suppression ferrite cores
LINK to EMI Design Kits/ SMT Design Folders
crown crown Crown Ferrite Enterprise Co.

Crown Ferrite Enterprise Co. - Production of Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ferrite cores
Works together with China Factory (Crystal Ferrite Co., LTD.)

LINK to material menu
LINK to product menu

TGL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD - Production of Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ferrite cores

LINK to material grade information
LINK to product lines
tgl Ferrico Corporation

Ferrico Corporation is an expert manufacturer of ferrite core products for EMI solutions.

LINK to products information
LINK to material lines
procore Pro Coil Enterprise Co

= former

Pro Core Enterprise Co
Main products: produce the satisfied low loss, high permeability material

LINK to the main ferrite page
LINK to Balun (double aperture type)
LINK to EMI Bead cores/ RH type
LINK to P cores
encore Encore Electronics Technology Co Ferrite Products for The Electronics Industry
LINK to Material characteristics
LINK to Ferrite Products
LINK to Toroids
coretech Core-Tech Corporation

Company is a leading full-line ferrite components supplier for EMI suppression, power and other materials
LINK to Products
LINK to Toroids
ecore E Core Corporation

Company is a leading full-line ferrite components supplier for EMI suppression, power and other materials
LINK to Products
LINK to Material Info
erocore EroCore Corporation

Company is a leading full-line ferrite components supplier for EMI suppression, power and other materials
LINK to P59 Toroids Info page with PDF's
LINK to Ferrite Material Info file in PDF
LINK to P61 Iron powder Toroids Info page with PDF's
AEM Advanced E&M Co All sorts of Magnetic Components
Also: Soft Ferrite Components
integrity Integrity Technology All sorts of Ceramic and Inductive Components
Toroids are filter and transformer oriented
LINK Toroids Info page, nice picture
a JFE Holding company for
Kawatetsu Ferrites
main JFE Ferrite Company Shareholders a.o. : Kawatetsu Ferrite Corporation and Kawasaki Steel Corporation
Ferrite product distributed by Elite Magnetics, Inc - see supplier page

LINK to Kawatetsu Ferrite products




刘波 先生电话:86-0769-88789588,88788399手机: 13380195886

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经营模式:贸易型所在地区:广东 东莞市

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刘波 先生
地址: 广东 东莞市万江区石美樊磨村116号厂房
电话: 86-0769-88789588,88788399
手机: 13380195886

Id:88150 Url: [IP = FORWARDED:-REMOTE:- User:], Time:2024/11/09 下 06:34:37